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Brief Biography

I’m called Udi by friends and staff, and Dr Udi by patients.  Udi is a shortened version of my first name Ehoud.
Born in Israel to a Dutch mother and a Jewish Iraqi father, I  came to London in 1969   aged 8 with my parents and younger brother. My father, a journalist  had  a  10 month posting. My parents loved London and we stayed, becoming citizens in 1974. 
 I trained in Bristol University Medical School qualifying in 1984. At that time  junior doctors moved hospital frequently and I worked  in Plymouth, Taunton, Nottingham, and Derby. Passing my MRCP  exam in 1987 I became a  medical registrar in Peterborough and subsequently Leicester.
Unable to decide between Gastroenterology and Diabetes I did my MD in Newcastle on Glucose metabolism in Cirrhosis. For a while I got the research bug, and followed my MD with a Medical Research Council  clinical fellowship in Newcastle and Oxford Universities. But all my clever ideas turned to dust. 
A job came up in Northampton and I have been a Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist at Northampton General Hospital  since 1995. For 5 of those years I was  Clinical  Director of General Medicine and A&E. Now I  concentrate on clinical work and teaching, dividing my time between general medical  care, endoscopy including bowel cancer screening, and general gastroenterology.
  I hope never to retire.
My book on IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Answers at your finger tips, Class Health Publishing ),  designed to help patients understand and self manage their condition was published in 2010. A second edition is available and has  been selected by the Reading Well  Agency for the Books on Prescription Scheme.
Biography I’m called Udi by friends and staff, and Dr Udi by patients.  Udi is a shortened version o: Service
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